Holiday Motivation

Yoga House is looking forward to the upcoming holidays – the weather changing, celebrating the holidays, and spending time with each other. Holidays are also known as the time of enjoying many feasts that often lead us to making New Year’s resolutions. This year, Yoga House is on your side to help you curb those holiday cravings, stay active, and stay committed to a healthy lifestyle by beginning the Healthy Holiday Challenge!

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The Details

The Challenge is to attend 17 classes from October 8th, 2018 through December 31st, 2018. Those entered into the challenge will be eligible to win:

  • A Free Months Pass in January (what a way to celebrate the New Year than one month unlimited yoga for free!)
  • A Gift Card from Cimarron Coffee
  • Giaim Yoga Bag

There is no obligation to participate in the challenge. However you will need to sign up with an instructor either at the studio or by emailing

The number 17 is responsible for, Insight, responsibility, self-discipline, strength, compassion, spiritual consciousness, and wisdom, a desire for peace and love for all of humanity. – From Spiritual Unite


There is no additional fee – just the cost of a regular class – be it a drop-in rate, class pack or monthly membership.

Get Moving!

The purpose of this challenge is to be mindful as we transition into the holiday season – to make healthy choices, and to create space for exercise and wellness in our busy lives, especially around the holidays.

Making a commitment encourages accountability. Following through creates a sense of accomplishment and confidence. Making it a part of your lifestyle creates a continuing positive influence on your mind, body and community.

So what do you say? Are you up for the challenge?

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