Yoga Classes

Summer Solstice Yoga Nidra

Please join us for this special event at Yoga House 207 E Main St Montrose, CO 80207 June 22, 2024 5:30-7pm $30 This Summer Solstice Yoga Nidra will focus on our connection to the sun and fire’s ability to burn away impurities,  leaving us transformed, nourished, and energized for the most abundant time of year.  Yoga Nidra is a practice of yogic sleep, in which the practitioner reaches the deepest state of relaxation while maintaining a fully lucid consciousness.  Yoga nidra develops a deeper relationship with Self; it cleanses the body and mind of tension. Morgan Herum began a yoga [...]

Summer Solstice Yoga Nidra2024-06-04T19:46:30-07:00

New Moon Gratitude Practice

The New Moon Gratitude Practice is a unique and enriching experience with a combination of guided rituals, breathwork, yoga, and meditation. Details of the event: Teacher:  Jeannie Mueller & Laura Lundblad Date: Friday, July 14th Time: 5:30-6:30 pm Location: Yoga House Rx, 207 E Main Street, Montrose, Colorado Participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in honoring the new moon, setting intentions, and expressing gratitude. Such gatherings can provide a supportive and peaceful environment for personal growth and reflection.

New Moon Gratitude Practice2023-12-06T10:25:03-07:00

Full Moon Flow March

Please join us March 7th at 6 pm as Taylor guides us through a full moon flow! We will start with an explanation of the astrological significance of the month’s full moon followed by a meditation to tune into how you have been feeling the last month. We will then flow through a moon-themed flow! Crescent moons, moon salutations, half moons, etc. Rather than moving front to back on the mat like in traditional vinyasa classes, we will be moving side to side on the mat. This is a gentle flow class with many opportunities to open up through the [...]

Full Moon Flow March2023-12-06T10:25:36-07:00

My Story

How my destiny found its way to Yoga. Brace yourself, grab some coffee or popcorn, this is going to a long beautiful ride! Growing up in Laguna Beach, California was the token to my path as a Yogi. I took my first yoga class when I was 15 years old. At this age I was a highly competitive Varsity cross country and track runner that needed to stretch badly but refused. I was rebellious, hard headed and I was also very injured because of it. My running coach, Earl Lee Towner,  guided me to do yoga and the new hot [...]

My Story2020-09-11T21:19:34-07:00

CURRENT Covid updates

CURRENT COVID UPDATES First - we are following the State of Colorado mandates of wearing masks in the studio and being six feet apart. We ask that you wear your mask while moving about the studio. If you have condition that permits you from wearing a mask while exercising, we legally cannot ask what that condition is or for you to wear your mask while practicing. If you are not wearing a mask we will assume you have a condition that does not permit you too and you will be respected. However we ask that if you do not [...]

CURRENT Covid updates2020-11-08T22:29:19-07:00

Studio Updates for Re-Opening

STUDIO REOPENING UDPATES First - we are following the State of Colorado mandates and will re-open based on the County & City of Montrose's decision to re-open Colorado. When we are to re-open, at this time due to the nature of COVID-19, there is no way we can guarantee anyone's safety, or the possibility of contracting COVID-19 while practicing yoga at Yoga House. With that being said, we have initiated a higher protocol expected from our students, instructors and studio protocol to do what we can to mitigate those risks. PLEASE READ THIS BLOG IN ITS ENTIRETY IF YOU [...]

Studio Updates for Re-Opening2020-04-23T20:07:19-07:00

Re-Opening, May 1st

REOPENING MAY 1st First - we are following the State of Colorado mandates and will re-open based on the County & City's decision to re-open Colorado. When we are to re-open, at this time due to the nature of COVID-19, there is no way we can guarantee anyone's safety, or the possibility of contracting COVID-19 while practicing yoga at Yoga House. With that being said, we have initiated a higher protocol expected from our students, instructors and studio protocol to do what we can to mitigate those risks. PLEASE READ IN ITS ENTIRETY IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING RETURNING WHEN [...]

Re-Opening, May 1st2020-05-08T08:48:27-07:00

How To Start an At-Home Yoga Practice

How to Start at At-Home Yoga Practice Change. Shift. Pivot. These are all words that describe our new normal since COVID-19. Most of us have been in quarantine for a month or more, and life just looks different. New schedules, learning online platforms, learning how to homeschool, and learning new words such as social distancing, self-quarantining, etc. This is where yoga is a great opportunity to reconnect, balance and find calm. Did you know it takes 21 days to create a new habit? Researchers have found that over time we develop a psychological pattern called a "habit loop." This [...]

How To Start an At-Home Yoga Practice2020-04-12T21:06:59-07:00

Yoga House Offers Online Classes

Yoga House Goes Online! It has been an interesting few days as COVID-19 is changing the face of our day-to-day lives. Yoga House decided to close before the State mandated our closure because we want to be a part of the solution as we care about social responsibility. It's been a whirlwind trying to grasp these changes and what that means for the future of Yoga House. After a little time away from the noise of the world - we realized what made Yoga House so special was the connection we've built with an incredible community of people. With [...]

Yoga House Offers Online Classes2020-03-23T19:02:21-07:00
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