Our Blog
We offer a wide range of high quality yoga classes, workshops, series & events.
Tai Chi at Yoga House
What is Tai Chi? Tai Chi is a practice of moving meditation originating in ancient Chinese martial arts tradition. There are 5 different branches or styles of Tai Chi including Chen, Yang, Wu, Hao, and Sun. At Yoga House, instructor Jan Graves teaches the Sun style of Tai Chi which is known for its benefits for arthritis and joint health. Sun Tai Chi The Sun style of Tai [...]
Top 5 Tips Committing to Your Yoga Practice
Committing to Your Yoga Practice in 2020 As each new year begins, we make resolutions to develop healthy habits and create positive change in our lives. As yogis we aspire to establish a consistent yoga practice and spend more time on our mats. Committing to practicing yoga has numerous benefits for our physical and mental health but developing a regular yoga practice takes time and it can be [...]
Do You Have to Be Flexible to Start a Yoga Practice?
Do You Have to Be Flexible to Start a Yoga Practice? As a yoga instructor, I often hear my friends say something along the lines of “Oh, I’m not flexible enough to do yoga” or even, “I’d love to try yoga but I can’t touch my toes.” The idea that you have to be a naturally flexible or bendy person to start a yoga practice is a MYTH. [...]
The Top 5 Benefits of Pranayama
Benefits of Pranayama Yoga is rich with many philosophies, traditions, and even science in the practice. We love that it’s called a practice since each day we continue to discover so many aspects of the ancient discipline. Today, we uncover what is pranayama and its top 5 benefits. Prana means ‘life force’ or ‘breath’ and ayama means ‘control’ or ‘restraint.’ Together, pranayama is considered “control of the breath” [...]
Looking towards 2020
The Year, 2019 Each time I began to write this article, I kept coming back to the foremost thing that has kept Yoga House growing and glowing - OUR COMMUNITY - and I wanted to start this blog expressing my immense gratitude! 2019 was a wonderful year for the studio! Join me as we look back at 2019, and look towards 2020! 2019 2019 was a [...]
Yoga Festival Reflections
Reflecting... It's almost hard to believe that just one month ago there was a huge buzz in town, a whirlwind of activity to transform the County Event Center into a magical yoga space, and yogis milling about to attend the first ever Montrose Yoga Festival. And if we may toot our own horn - the festival turned out SPECTACULARLY! There was a lot that went into hosting this [...]
Festival Class Descriptions
Class Descriptions The yoga festival is upon us and we are excited to unveil and share so many great things at this event. For the general public, the vendor space is free entry. Click HERE to see the list of amazing and unique vendors. For festival goers - we have 1-class passes, Day Passes and the full 3-Day Passes with prices going up on Monday. Click HERE for [...]
Private Trauma Sensitive Yoga Sessions
Trauma Sensitive Yoga Openings are now available to schedule private, one-on-one Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TSY) sessions at Yoga House with certified instructor, Kylie Davis. What Is Trauma Sensitive Yoga? TSY is a body oriented approach to recovery and reconnection following trauma. Trauma is generally defined as an event or experience that overwhelms our ability to cope and yet every individual’s trauma is unique and deeply personal. TSY addresses [...]
Congratulations to Chanel for Earning ERYT!
Congratulations!! Chanel Earns Experienced Yoga Instructor Chanel is a force to be reckoned with - she's driven, passionate, willing to learn, explore and an extraordinary visionary. We are more than grateful to have her a part of Yoga House's instruction team. Just recently, Chanel earned Yoga Alliance's "Experienced Yoga Instructor" or ERYT status - which means you need to keep up with your continuing education, and teach a [...]
Yoga House & Revive Body & Soul Parnter
Yoga House & Revive Body & Soul Partner Classes to Benefit Life Choices Family Resource Center Revive Body and Soul Yoga founder, Cheri Axtell and owner of Yoga House have partnered together using yoga as their vehicle. On a quest to support each other's goals, the two entities were brainstorming on how they could collaborate on a bigger mission. In no time, it became clear to provide a [...]
Core Values
Making Yoga Accessible For All
Having a welcoming and authentic environment, having classes to fit the needs of the community, and opportunities to grow at Colorado Yoga House.
Continuous Improvement & Innovation
To continue to evolve and grow in the discipline of Yoga in order to give back to the community with classes that motivate, challenge and inspire at Colorado Yoga House.
Creating Community
To continue to help individuals find health, spiritual balance, and overall well-being and connecting the like-minded individuals through practice.
Joy & Passion
To continually seek the spark in what Yoga has given us, and share the joy and passion from Yoga with our friends, family & community.